Friday, August 1, 2008

India Blames Fat Americans For High Food Costs

Instead of blaming India and other developing nations for the rise in food prices, Americans should rethink their energy policy — and go on a diet.

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Pictures: The 10 Most Beautiful Indian Roads

Pictures of 10 incredibly beautiful roads from across India.

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Only In India: Hilarious [PIC]

No explanation needed.

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PICTURE: New Temple to be Built in India

Infrastructures in India keep getting weirder and bigger. This picture proves it.

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2 Faced Baby Born in India

A very special girl was born last March in a small suburb of Delhi, India. She was born with 4 eyes, 2 noses, 2 mouths, 2 ears, and 1 dimple on a shared cheek. Similar to Lakshmi Tatma, a 2 year-old girl born with four arms and four legs, she is reverred as a reincarnated god by her local villagers, who sing and dance regularly for her.

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Chess Player Banned 10 Years For Cheating With Bluetooth, Computer - News b

The All India Chess Federation slapped the 10-year sanction on a player who had been using a Bluetooth device stitched into a cap he typically pulled down over his ears.

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India challenges Space Super Powers with first commercial rocket launch

India's first commercial rocket has been launched into space.The rocket, a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), took off from the Sriharikota base in southern India at 1530 Indian time (1000 GMT). It is carrying a 352kg Italian satellite which will gather information about the origins of the universe, the AFP news agency reports.

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Lost city 'could rewrite history'

BBC news reports on the finding of a lost city underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India that could be over 9,000 years old. Related links:,

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Earliest Audio Recording Resurrected, Scares Us To Dead

Audio historian David Giovannoni and scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, have discovered and brought back to life the first audio recording ever made, 17 years before Edison's patent. The ten-second snippet was made in a phonoautograph, a device that only recorded sounds but didn't play them back, so they have to do some voodoo

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Study finds teens don't really care about their hearing

Those darn kids -- they just don't listen! And soon, according to a report, they won't physically be able to listen. It seems that modern teens, with their cloaking jackets, space telephones, and telepathic headsets fail to obey the simplest tenet of leisure-time music enjoyment: keeping their iPod and Zune volumes at a semi-natural level.

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How the NBA Western Conference might be won

With the playoffs approaching and as many as nine Western teams headed for 50-plus wins, let's break down those teams and make a few predictions heading into the stretch run. Please keep your seat belts on and your seats in the upright position - by Bill Simmons

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Regal, Like AMC, to Add Imax Screens

The Regal Entertainment Group, which owns the nation’s largest movie theater chain, will work with the Imax Corporation to open 31 new, large-format outlets. The two companies said they would share the cost of installation and the revenue, but declined to reveal more detailed financial information.

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Obama Endorsed by Romney Campaign Member, Republican Counsel

"This endorsement...comes from an unlikely source: namely, a former constitutional legal counsel to two Republican presidents [and former Romney campaign member]... as Republicans, we are first Americans. As Americans, we must voice our concerns for the well-being of our nation without partisanship... I endorse Barack Obama for president."

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Exposing a closed Congress to Open Source: Change Congress

The goal of Change Congress, Lessig explained, is to fight the influence of money in politics by exacting pledges from candidates and lawmakers to personally eschew lobbyist and PAC money, as well as supporting a series of legislative reforms, and then use the distributed eyes of the Internet to ensure that they stick to their promises.

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Real DeathStar Soldier with Real Phaser spotted at AFB

The Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response (PHaSR) is a rifle laser weapon system that uses two non-lethal laser wavelengths to deter, prevent, or mitigate an adversary’s effectiveness. The laser generated by this weapon “dazzles” aggressors, temporarily impairing individuals and their ability to see the laser source. Photo

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Why We Borrow Until It Hurts

If the subprime mortgage mess has taught us anything, it is that we are leverage addicts. Nearly all of us are — from Northern Virginia, where we bought big houses with no money down, to Wall Street, where traders borrowed cash to make bigger bets on the housing market.

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Why We Borrow Until It Hurts

If the subprime mortgage mess has taught us anything, it is that we are leverage addicts. Nearly all of us are — from Northern Virginia, where we bought big houses with no money down, to Wall Street, where traders borrowed cash to make bigger bets on the housing market.

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Rafael Nadal Credits Success To Living In A World of Clay

"This is partially because the slower surface suits my style, plays to my strong forehand, and allows me to best use my energy. And it is partially because I have embraced the fundamental, life-giving clay—the substance from which God formed all men—and taken it into the deepest aspects of my very being."

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Obama Endorsed by Romney Campaign Member, Republican Counsel

"This endorsement...comes from an unlikely source: namely, a former constitutional legal counsel to two Republican presidents [and former Romney campaign member]... as Republicans, we are first Americans. As Americans, we must voice our concerns for the well-being of our nation without partisanship... I endorse Barack Obama for president."

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UPDATE! Scared kid brings laptop back

This is an update to yesterday's "Wow, You're a MORON" story ( According to the victim's twitter updates, the kid saw his face on the internet and decided to return the laptop. Now, how about the TV and xbox. Once again, good work diggers.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Bush Screws America, Again: Economy Slips to #2

Now, he's done it. The United States is not the world's #1 economy. We have slipped behind the European Union.The European Union? But that has national healthcare, strong unions, high tax rates on the wealthy, sales' taxes, well-funded pubic transport, free daycare, paid maternity leave.... those policies make prosperity impossible.

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Bush Screws America, Again: Economy Slips to #2

Now, he's done it. The United States is not the world's #1 economy. We have slipped behind the European Union.The European Union? But that has national healthcare, strong unions, high tax rates on the wealthy, sales' taxes, well-funded pubic transport, free daycare, paid maternity leave.... those policies make prosperity impossible.

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

20 Insane Supervillain Schemes In Flowchart Form

No operation is worth its salt unless it operates according to a good, organized flowchart. In fact, many of the world's great disasters owe their failure the the lack of a plan laid out in neat lines and geometric shapes.

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Run Windows Apps Seamlessly Inside Linux

You can have Windows apps running right on your Linux desktop and sharing the same desktop files. It's relatively painless, it takes only a little bit longer than a Windows XP install, and it works just like virtualizing Windows on a Mac with Parallels Coherence -except it's free. Here's how to do it.

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David Fincher to Helm New Animated ‘Heavy Metal’ Film

Paramount Pictures is making a new animated film based on Heavy Metal, the 1970s sci-fi/fantasy magazine that spawned the 1981 cult classic film Heavy Metal and a mediocre sequel in 2000, Heavy Metal 2000.

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The 10 Greatest Doomsday Scenarios in Film History

Some films have used the end of the world as devices to warn audiences about the dangers of nuclear warfare and human ignorance while others have used them as an excuse to put a $60 million explosion at the end of the film to wake the audience up that fell asleep 30 minutes after the credits started rolling.

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The 10 Greatest Doomsday Scenarios in Film History

Some films have used the end of the world as devices to warn audiences about the dangers of nuclear warfare and human ignorance while others have used them as an excuse to put a $60 million explosion at the end of the film to wake the audience up that fell asleep 30 minutes after the credits started rolling.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Food Prep: Turning the Nasty Into the Tasty

I’ve always wondered how humans figured out how to prepare certain foods. You would think that if something tastes terrible, it would just be left alone. If it kills you, why would you ever mess with it again?

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20 Insane Supervillain Schemes In Flowchart Form

No operation is worth its salt unless it operates according to a good, organized flowchart. In fact, many of the world's great disasters owe their failure the the lack of a plan laid out in neat lines and geometric shapes.

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The 10 Greatest Doomsday Scenarios in Film History

Some films have used the end of the world as devices to warn audiences about the dangers of nuclear warfare and human ignorance while others have used them as an excuse to put a $60 million explosion at the end of the film to wake the audience up that fell asleep 30 minutes after the credits started rolling.

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Run Windows Apps Seamlessly Inside Linux

You can have Windows apps running right on your Linux desktop and sharing the same desktop files. It's relatively painless, it takes only a little bit longer than a Windows XP install, and it works just like virtualizing Windows on a Mac with Parallels Coherence -except it's free. Here's how to do it.

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David Fincher to Helm New Animated ‘Heavy Metal’ Film

Paramount Pictures is making a new animated film based on Heavy Metal, the 1970s sci-fi/fantasy magazine that spawned the 1981 cult classic film Heavy Metal and a mediocre sequel in 2000, Heavy Metal 2000.

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The 10 Greatest Doomsday Scenarios in Film History

Some films have used the end of the world as devices to warn audiences about the dangers of nuclear warfare and human ignorance while others have used them as an excuse to put a $60 million explosion at the end of the film to wake the audience up that fell asleep 30 minutes after the credits started rolling.

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The PC of the Future Looks Just Like the iPhone

Giant screens you touch will have to be pivoted at an angle because vertical or horizontal use will be awkward. Mice will vanish because you'll touch on-screen objects directly. The screen will provide an incentive to get rid of the keyboard. The end result will look and work like a giant iPhone or iPod Touch.

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Guinness Stout Beef Stew Recipe for St. Patrick’s Day!

Guinness Stout Beef Stew is rich and hearty and a perfect meal to serve on a cold day. And it's perfect for St. Patrick's Day. Have a Guinness with your Guinness Stew!

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5 Manly Sports That Will Seriously Kick Your Ass

Here at Just A Guy Thing, we like to see sports that challenge men to push themselves beyond the mental, emotional, and physical boundaries of these rather soft sporting occasions.With this in mind we have scoured the four corners of the globe to find our favorite manly sports that will literally kick your ass.

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Secret session aims to sway House

President Bush threatened to veto the latest House version of an update to foreign surveillance law, as the chamber's members last night held their first "secret session" since 1983 and only their sixth since the end of the War of 1812 to hash out the issue.

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Happy Pi Day!

It's the 3/14, or 3.14, so this obviously means just one thing - it's Pi day, a celebration of the mathematical ratio that man has been trying to unlock for millennia. But why are we driven to find the answers behind it?

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Google: "Microsoft-Yahoo Merger Will Break The Internet"

It's an unstable situation. But the theoretical issue is the concentration of Microsoft's resources and its history, combined with the very large share that it would have in certain applications—like instant messaging and email—that could be used essentially to break the internet and diminish choice.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Aperture 2.0: the Ars Technica review

It has been over two years since Apple released Aperture 1.0. Version 2 of the application is upon us; Ars goes in depth to see what Apple has been up to since version 1.5.

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Police confrontation interrupts Eugene's naked bike ride

Police officers monitoring a mass ride of naked bicyclists decided against making any arrests after the confrontation intensified. Roughly 100 bicyclists in various states of undress took part in the hour-long event that mimicked similar rides held in bigger cities around the world. Along the way, riders cheered, chanted and stopped traffic.

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TSA can't believe MacBook Air is a real laptop, causes owner

The TSA has been known to take issue with products designed in Cupertino before, but for one particular traveler, it was Apple's thinnest laptop ever that caused the latest holdup.

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A Facebook Application To Find Blood Donors Fast

When a patient is in need of blood that isn’t available, it becomes a life and death situation.Historically the Red Cross will make efforts to alert the public during a shortage. But there may be a better way - leverage the social networks to get the word out.

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Warning: The Web Hosting Business is Not For Kids

I admire teenagers (including many of you) who do take the step into the on-line world, but Web Hosting is a business which you should attempt only if you are serious and only if you are not after a quick buck. Why? Because you will fail and drag your customers with you when this happens.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Aperture 2.0: the Ars Technica review

It has been over two years since Apple released Aperture 1.0. Version 2 of the application is upon us; Ars goes in depth to see what Apple has been up to since version 1.5.

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Police confrontation interrupts Eugene's naked bike ride

Police officers monitoring a mass ride of naked bicyclists decided against making any arrests after the confrontation intensified. Roughly 100 bicyclists in various states of undress took part in the hour-long event that mimicked similar rides held in bigger cities around the world. Along the way, riders cheered, chanted and stopped traffic.

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A Facebook Application To Find Blood Donors Fast

When a patient is in need of blood that isn’t available, it becomes a life and death situation.Historically the Red Cross will make efforts to alert the public during a shortage. But there may be a better way - leverage the social networks to get the word out.

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Aperture 2.0: the Ars Technica review

It has been over two years since Apple released Aperture 1.0. Version 2 of the application is upon us; Ars goes in depth to see what Apple has been up to since version 1.5.

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Aperture 2.0: the Ars Technica review

It has been over two years since Apple released Aperture 1.0. Version 2 of the application is upon us; Ars goes in depth to see what Apple has been up to since version 1.5.

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Crime pays for US prison companies

Financiers, real-estate agents and car salesmen might be suffering from America's economic malaise, but bulging jails have triggered a profit boom for corrections companies.

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Stop Saying Americans Are “Smarter Than That" - Bill Maher

[ VIDEO] ”New rule, politicians must stop saying “the American people are smarter than that.” No they aren’t! If the Bush era has taught us anything, it’s that voters want a president carved in their own image. Someone who doesn’t like to read or believe anything he’s told and is easily distracted by bright, shiny objects.”

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Will Thomas: Clinton Got Money From Rezko Codefendants

Clinton and Republicans got money from the soon to be tried defendants! Obama got ZILCH (and even his opponents got money).Somebody running for President has INTEGRITY!!!

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Will Thomas: Clinton Got Money From Rezko Codefendants

Clinton and Republicans got money from the soon to be tried defendants! Obama got ZILCH (and even his opponents got money).Somebody running for President has INTEGRITY!!!

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Politico: Photo of Clinton "negotiating borders in Kosovo"

.... with Sheryl Crow and Sinbad! :) Clinton claim: "I negotiated open borders to let fleeing refugees into safety from Kosovo."Chicago Tribune: Borders opened before she got there; she stayed for a day with Sheryl Crow, Sinbad, and her daughter.

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Women in jeans 'cannot be raped'

The Supreme Court of Appeal in Rome on Wednesday overturned a rape conviction, saying that the supposed victim must have agreed to sex because her jeans could not have been removed without her consent.

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Super Smash Bros. errors may be more than they seem

After last months issue with "Dirty disc" problems in Japan, it may be no surprise that the same issues are popping up in the U.S. Nintendo has a remedy and plans to "Clean" every defective Wii. The problem? It's a lie. But a lie that may be good for gamers in the long run.

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A Loyal Clinton Soldier Turns in His Badge

She has no idea how many times I defended her. For sixteen years, I was a proud soldier in the legion of "Clinton apologists" -- who believed that peace and prosperity were more important than regrettable personality traits. And then she ran for president.

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Reports: FBI Investigating Countrywide

The FBI is in the early stages of an inquiry into whether company officials misrepresented its financial position and the quality of its mortgage loans, The Wall Street Journal first reported Saturday, citing law enforcement officials and finance executives with knowledge of the development.

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It's Just a Flesh Wound! [COMIC]

Couldn't help but think of Monty Python after seeing this comic.

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The Evolution of Alternative Music

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99 Words For Boobs [to the tune of 99 Red Balloons] NSFW

Weird Al should collaborate with this guy.

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Despicable: Oklahoma State Rep Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade

Mother of god, this is horrible. We nominate to the pantheon of homo hate Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern ( She didn’t know that she was being recorded in a meeting, so we get the a nice insight about what she thinks of her gay and lesbian constituents. Perhaps she doesn’t think she has any.

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With Linux, Antivirus Software is Dead [ PIC ]

Tell Norton to go to hell and switch to Ubuntu

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Montana Governor explains why Real ID sucks

"We're putting up with the federal government on so many fronts, and nearly every month they come out with another hare-brained scheme ... to tell us that our life is going to be better if we just buckle under on some other kind of rule or regulation ... almost all those hijackers on 9/11 would have qualified for a Real ID."

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How to Make Money on eHow

Article discusses how you can write short "how to" articles and make some cash. If you find this article helpful please visit sponsor.

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Elusive bird spotted near Papua New Guinea

A bird species not seen for 80 years has been rediscovered near Papua New Guinea, experts said Friday. The Beck's petrel, long thought to be extinct, was photographed last summer by an Israeli ornithologist in the Bismarck Archipelago, a group of islands northeast of New Guinea.

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IRS spending $42 million on rebate reminders

At a cost of nearly $42 million, the IRS wants you to know: Your check is almost in the mail.

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Space shuttle launch for Tuesday

Countdown clocks at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida began ticking on Saturday toward Tuesday's launch of space shuttle Endeavour carrying a Japanese lab section and Canadian-built robot for the International Space Station.

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